Maturing intuitions


As a guest lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, 2017.

I reopened this blog to reflect on the four-legged table that is researching/teaching:

  • To guess (based on informed or naïve intuition).
  • To be excited (to not knowing what could happen throughout the long path towards discovery/sharing).
  • To be frustrated (because that intuition led to nowhere or to redundancy), and
  • To keep on wondering (resign yourself to perpetual learning).

Some of the upcoming ideas would contain all of the above, while others would be purely at the to guess stage.

As a minor note, I’m not an English-native. Still, as it was inconceivable for a wonderer not to speak Latin while traveling across the Roman Empire, now it is the same for English while slowly passing through the Republic of Knowledge.



Julián D. Cortés
Julián D. Cortés

Written by Julián D. Cortés

Researcher - Science of Science & Network Science at U. Rosario & U. Los Andes, Colombia -

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